Session 1. Health Systems and Health Policy Framework: context, process, and actors
Lecturer: Laksono Trisnantoro
Session 2. Policy-Making Process and Forces that Affect
Lecturer: Laksono Trisnantoro
Session 3. Health Sector Reform in World and Indonesia
Lecturer: Laksono Trisnantoro
Session 4. Health Decentralization Policy and Health Sector Governance
Lecturer: Laksono Trisnantoro
Session 5. Policy Implementation
Lecturer: Mubasysyir Hasanbasri
Session 6. Analyze Policies
Lecturer: Laksono Trisnantoro
Session 7. Management for Health Service Delivery & General Management
Lecturer: Yodhi Mahendradhata
Session 8. Partnership Management Sub-national and District Management
Lecturer: Laksono Trisnantoro
Session 9. Management of Health Facilities
Lecturer: Laksono Trisnantoro
Session 10. Community Health Services and Program Management
Lecturer: Mubasysyir Hasanbasri
Session 11. Quality and Resources Management
Lecturer: Andreasta Meliala
Session 12. Countries Experiences
Lecturer: Laksono Trisnantoro