Sesi 1. Social behavioral approach in public health, trans-disciplinary perspective and the complexity of social behavioral science
Dosen Pengampu: Yayi Suryo Prabandari
Learning Objectives:
- Comprehend rationale to learn social behavioral approach in public health
- Understand overview of social behavioral sciences which contribute to public health
- Explain the hierarchy of health influences
- Comprehend the complexity and human health across the health hierarchy
- Explain the definition, rationale, and procedures of transdisciplinary thinking in health social science research.
- Higginbotham, N., Albrecht, G. & Connor, L., 2001. Health Social Science: A transdisciplinary and Complexity Perspective, South Melbourne: Oxford University Press (chapter 1,2 and 3)
- Scheneiderman, N., Speers, MA. Behavioral Science, Social Science, and Public Health in the 21st Century (Chapter 1). The 21st
- Gordon, B., Baird, B.,, 2008. The Role of Social and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health. Hearing before the subcommittee on research and science and technology-house of representatives- one hundred tenth congress, second session. Washington, US: US Government Printing Office
Sesi 2. Behavioral theories underlying healthy and unhealthy behavior
Dosen Pengampu: Yayi Suryo Prabandari
Learning Objectives:
- Understand human behavior
- Contrast the differences between a model and theory
- Evaluate the role of models and theories in forming health behavior
- Organize the constructs in the social cognitive theory, the health belief model, the transtheoretical model of behavior change, and the theory of planned behavior
- Discuss changes over time and how these models and theories align with changing health behaviors
- Snelling, A. ed., 2014. Introduction to Health Promotion, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Browning, C.,Thomas,S.A., Models of Behaviour Change and Health Promotion. 2005. Browning, C.J. & Thomas, S.A. eds., 2005. Behavioural Change : An Evidence-based Handbook for Social and Public Health, Sydney: Elsevier Inc.
Sesi 3. The main principle of anthropological approach to understand health
Dosen Pengampu: Retna Siwi Padmawati
Learning Objectives:
- Comprehend medical anthropology
- Comprehend anthropology and medical anthropology theories
- Understand the ecology of health and disease
- Comprehend the dependency theory in political economy of health from anthropological point of view
- Geest, Sjaak van der; Rienks, Ari (1998) The Art of Medical Anthropology. Readings. Amsterdam, Het Spinhuis. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
- Hahn, Robert A. and Marcia Inhorn (eds.) (2010) Anthropology and Public Health, Second Edition: Bridging Differences in Culture and Society.Oxford University Press
- Moore, Henrietta L. 1999, Anthropological theory today / edited by Henrietta L. MoorePolity Press Cambridge
Sesi 4. Sociological theories and perspective in understanding health
Dosen Pengampu: Supriyati
Learning Objectives:
- Understand social fact, consist of: Structural functionalism theory, conflict theory, system theory, and major sociology theory
- Understand social definition, consist of: action theory, symbolic interactionism theory, and phenomenology theory
- Understand social behavior, consist of : behavioral sociology and exchange theory
- Understand medical sociology concept and practice
Ritzer.G, 2014. Sosiologi: Ilmu Pengetahuan Berparadigma Ganda. Translated by Alimandan. Rajawali press.Jakarta (Chapter 2,3,and 4)
Sesi 5. Social determinant of health, equity and public health program
Dosen Pengampu: Mubasysyir Hasanbasri
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize social determinants of health as a core of health promotion and health program planning
- Analyze conceptual framework and program plan with specific steps to adress equity in order to increase effectiveness
- Blas, E., Sommerfeld, J. & Kurup, A.S. eds., 2011. Social determinants approaches to public health: from concept to practice, Geneva: World Health Organization
- Keleher, 2007. Health Promotion Planning and The Social Determinats of Health. in Keleher, H., Dougall, C. Mac & Murphy, B. eds., 2007. Understanding Health Promotion, New York.p 113-133
Sesi 6. Communication & Behavior change theories and its application of selected theories on tobacco control
Dosen Pengampu: Yayi Suryo Prabandari
Learning Objectives:
- Evaluate the role of models and theories in changing health behavior
- Organize the constructs in the social cognitive theory, the health belief model, the transtheoretical model of behavior change, and the theory of planned behavior in understanding health risk behavior
- Appraise BCC/Behavior Change Communication
- Discuss how these models and theories align with changing health behaviors
- Construct the determinants of health related to tobacco control
- Appraise the trans-theoretical model of behavior change as basic principle of smoking cessation
- Assess the barriers to tobacco cessation programs and best practice for tobacco cessation.
- Evaluate the policies that have been enacted to limit tobacco use
- Snelling, A. ed., 2014. Introduction to Health Promotion, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
- Browning, C.,Thomas,S.A., Models of Behaviour Change and Health Promotion. Browning, C.J. & Thomas, S.A. eds., 2005 Behavioural Change : An Evidence-based Handbook for Social and Public Health, Sydney: Elsevier Inc
- Soerojo, W. & Budiantoro, S., Indonesia Report Card : Status of Tobacco Use and Its Control, Bangkok
- World Health Organization, 2013. WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic: Country profile Indonesia,WHO
- Achadi, A., Soerojo, W., & Barber, S. 2005. The relevance and prospects of advancing tobacco control in Indonesia Health Policy 72 (2005) 333–349
- Eriksen M, Mackay J, Schluger N, Drope J. Tobacco atlas 5th ed. 2015. Atlanta: American Cancer Society
Sesi 7. New paradigm on Health Promotion and the use of Technology for promoting health
Dosen Pengampu: Fatwa Sari Tetra Dewi
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the leading cause of death in Indonesia and health trends related to chronic disease during the second half of the twentieth century.
- Contrast primary, secondary, and tertiary care.
- Compare mofifiable and immodifiable risk factors.
- Describe how the Affordable Care Act is working to improve healthy lifestyles.
- Analyze the use of new information technology for promoting health
- Identify multi media to promote health
- Snelling, A. ed., 2014. Introduction to Health Promotion, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
- World Health Organization, 2013. WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic: Country profile Indonesia,WHO
- Prabandari, YS. 2013 Penggalian riwayat dan nasihat tentang gaya hidup sehat oleh dokter pelayanan primer . Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional 8 (5): 221-228.
Sesi 8. Dimension of social culture on health, illness and gender perspective
Dosen Pengampu: Retna Siwi Padmawati
Learning Objectives:
- Explain community perception on health and illness
- Review on how to assess perception and its research related to explore health and illness
- Compare dialogue between epidemiology and anthropology related to health and illness
- Analyze gender perspective in understanding health and culture
- Comprehend guideline for transdisciplinary interventions
- Brown, J.B., Inhon, Marcia.C., Smith, D.J., 1996. Disease, Ecology, and Human Behavior. In Sargent, C.F. & Johnson, T.M. eds., 1996. Medical Anthropology: Contemporary Theory and Method ( Revised Edition), Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publisher.
- Higginbotham, N., Willms,D.,Sewankambo,NK., 2001. TransdisciplinaryResearch in the Higginbotham, N., Albrecht, G. & Connor, L., 2001. Health Social Science: A transdisciplinary and Complexity Perspective, South Melbourne: Oxford University Press.p 175-200
Sesi 9. Social change and the shift of health organization, services and workforces
Dosen Pengampu: Mubasysyir Hasanbasri
Learning Objectives:
- Analyze decentralisation and its impact on health service provision in Indonesia
- Identify the movement of health organization and services
- Appraise the modern health services, corporations and financing
- Recognize overview of workforce projection models
- Assemble link between workforce plans and projections
- Contrast the determinants of workforce requirements and supply
- Kristiansen, S. & Santoso, P., 2006. Surviving decentralization? Impacts of regional autonomy on health service provision in Indonesia. Health Policy, 77(3), pp.247–259
- World Health Organization, 2010. Models and tools for health workforce planning and projections, Geneva: World Health Organization
- Mohseni, M. & Lindstrom, M., 2007. Social capital, trust in the health-care system and self-rated health: the role of access to health care in a population-based study. Social science & medicine, 64(7), pp.1373–1383.
- Light, D.W. 1989. Corporate Medicine for Profit, in Brown, P. ed., 1989. Perspectives in Medical Sociology, Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publising Company.p 294-307
- Dolenc, D.A., Douherty, C.J., 1989. DRGs: The Counterrevolution in Financing Health Care, Brown, P. ed., 1989. Perspectives in Medical Sociology, Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publising Company.p 308-325
- Rosenberg, C. 1989. The rise of Modern Hospital, in Brown, P. ed., 1989. Perspectives in Medical Sociology, Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publising Company.p 327- 340
- World Health Organization, 2001. Health Service: Well Choosen , Well Organized?. in World Health Organization, 2001.The World Health Report 2000: Health System : Improving Perfomance, Geneva: World Health Organization.WHO
- Heywood, P., Harahap, N.P. & Aryani, S., 2011. Recent changes in human resources for health and health facilities at the district level in Indonesia: evidence from 3 districts in Java. Human resources for health, 9(1), p.5. Available at:
- Frenk, J. et al., 2010. Health professionals for a new century: Transforming education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world. The Lancet, 376(9756), pp.1923–1958.
Sesi 10. Society action and the application of ecological theory in particular public health issues: a case of Community empowerment and local policy application for tackling NCD
Dosen Pengampu: Fatwa Sari Tetra Dewi
Learning Objectives:
- Relate the concept of community empowerment in the health promotion program
- Appraise the concept of community empowerment in the health services and system
- Evaluate the practice of community empowerment with particular emphasize upon methodology, assessment, and the role of community organization in promoting health development
- Assess the current situation with respect to mommunity empowerment and the likely trends of its future development
- Laverack, G., 2009. Community Empowerment with Case Studies from the South-East Asia Region. Geneva: WHO
- Laverack, G. 2006. Improving Health Outcomes through Community Empowerment: A Review of the Literature. J Health Popul Nutr Mar; 24(1):113-120
- Kahssay, H.M. & Oakley, P. eds., 1999. Community Involvement in Health Development: A Review of Concept and Practice, Malta: World Health Organization.
Sesi 11. Social behavior related to public health in particular issues – International and Global Health – case of communicable disease AIDS and TB, including stigma
Dosen Pengampu: Retna Siwi Padmawati
Learning Objectives:
- Review technical leadership and guidance to inform and develop strategies and policies to address global health issues.
- Manage development and usage data from proven scientific research findings to drive public health action.
- Identify the method to strengthen the ability of countries to achieve improved global health outcomes.
- Appraise leadership to develop and implement approaches to eradicate and eliminate disease.
- Debate the promotion of equal access and delivery of public health interventions.
- Assess global health impact through coordination, program integration, and partnerships.
- Assess programs monitoring and evaluating to measure health impact and ensure cost effectiveness.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012. CDC Global Health Strategy 2012-2015
- UN System Task Team, 2012. Health in the post-2015 UN development agenda. Thematic Think Piece. World We Want 2015 [online], (May), pp.1–17. Available at: Pieces/8_health.pdf
Sesi 12. Social behavior related to public health in particular issues (delivered on each department)
Dosen Pengampu: Diah Ayu Puspandari