Sesi 1. Social behavioral approach in public health, trans-disciplinary perspective and the complexity of social behavioral science
Dosen Pengampu: Yayi Suryo Prabandari
Learning Objectives:

  1. Comprehend rationale to learn social behavioral approach in public health
  2. Understand overview of social behavioral sciences which contribute to public health
  3. Explain the hierarchy of health influences
  4. Comprehend the complexity and human health across the health hierarchy
  5. Explain the definition, rationale, and procedures of transdisciplinary thinking in health social science research.


  1. Higginbotham, N., Albrecht, G. & Connor, L., 2001. Health Social Science: A transdisciplinary and Complexity Perspective, South Melbourne: Oxford University Press (chapter 1,2 and 3)
  2. Scheneiderman, N., Speers, MA. Behavioral Science, Social Science, and Public Health in the 21st Century (Chapter 1). The 21st
  3. Gordon, B., Baird, B.,, 2008. The Role of Social and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health. Hearing before the subcommittee on research and science and technology-house of representatives- one hundred tenth congress, second session. Washington, US: US Government Printing Office

Sesi 2. Behavioral theories underlying healthy and unhealthy behavior
Dosen Pengampu: Yayi Suryo Prabandari
Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand human behavior
  2. Contrast the differences between a model and theory
  3. Evaluate the role of models and theories in forming health behavior
  4. Organize the constructs in the social cognitive theory, the health belief model, the transtheoretical model of behavior change, and the theory of planned behavior
  5. Discuss changes over time and how these models and theories align with changing health behaviors


  1. Snelling, A. ed., 2014. Introduction to Health Promotion, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  2. Browning, C.,Thomas,S.A., Models of Behaviour Change and Health Promotion. 2005. Browning, C.J. & Thomas, S.A. eds., 2005. Behavioural Change : An Evidence-based Handbook for Social and Public Health,  Sydney: Elsevier Inc.

Sesi 3. The main principle of anthropological approach to understand health
Dosen Pengampu: Retna Siwi Padmawati
Learning Objectives:

  1. Comprehend medical anthropology
  2. Comprehend anthropology and medical anthropology theories
  3. Understand the ecology of health and disease
  4. Comprehend the dependency theory in political economy of health from anthropological point of view


  1. Geest, Sjaak van der; Rienks, Ari (1998) The Art of Medical Anthropology. Readings. Amsterdam, Het Spinhuis. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
  2. Hahn, Robert A. and Marcia Inhorn (eds.) (2010) Anthropology and Public Health, Second Edition: Bridging Differences in Culture and Society.Oxford University Press
  3. Moore, Henrietta L.  1999,  Anthropological theory today / edited by Henrietta L. MoorePolity Press Cambridge

Sesi 4. Sociological theories and perspective in understanding health
Dosen Pengampu: Supriyati
Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand social fact, consist of: Structural functionalism theory, conflict theory, system theory, and major sociology theory
  2. Understand social definition, consist of: action theory, symbolic interactionism theory, and phenomenology theory
  3. Understand social behavior, consist of : behavioral sociology and exchange theory
  4. Understand medical sociology concept and practice

Ritzer.G, 2014. Sosiologi: Ilmu Pengetahuan Berparadigma Ganda. Translated by Alimandan. Rajawali press.Jakarta (Chapter 2,3,and 4)

Sesi 5. Social determinant of health, equity and public health program
Dosen Pengampu: Mubasysyir Hasanbasri
Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize social determinants of health as a core of health promotion and health program planning
  2. Analyze conceptual framework and program plan with specific steps to adress equity in order to increase effectiveness


  1. Blas, E., Sommerfeld, J. & Kurup, A.S. eds., 2011. Social determinants approaches to public health: from concept to practice, Geneva: World Health Organization
  2. Keleher, 2007. Health Promotion Planning and The Social Determinats of Health. in Keleher, H., Dougall, C. Mac & Murphy, B. eds., 2007. Understanding Health Promotion, New York.p 113-133

Sesi 6. Communication & Behavior change theories and its application of selected theories on tobacco control
Dosen Pengampu: Yayi Suryo Prabandari
Learning Objectives:

  1. Evaluate the role of models and theories in changing health behavior
  2. Organize the constructs in the social cognitive theory, the health belief model, the transtheoretical model of behavior change, and the theory of planned behavior in understanding health risk behavior
  3. Appraise BCC/Behavior Change Communication
  4. Discuss how these models and theories align with changing health behaviors
  5. Construct the determinants of health related to tobacco control
  6. Appraise the trans-theoretical model of behavior change as basic principle of smoking cessation
  7. Assess the barriers to tobacco cessation programs and best practice for tobacco cessation.
  8. Evaluate the policies that have been enacted to limit tobacco use


  1. Snelling, A. ed., 2014. Introduction to Health Promotion, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
  2. Browning, C.,Thomas,S.A., Models of Behaviour Change and Health Promotion. Browning, C.J. & Thomas, S.A. eds., 2005 Behavioural Change : An Evidence-based Handbook for Social and Public Health, Sydney: Elsevier Inc
  3. Soerojo, W. & Budiantoro, S., Indonesia Report Card : Status of Tobacco Use and Its Control, Bangkok
  4. World Health Organization, 2013. WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic: Country profile Indonesia,WHO
  5. Achadi, A., Soerojo, W., & Barber, S. 2005. The relevance and prospects of advancing tobacco control in Indonesia Health Policy 72 (2005) 333–349
  6. Eriksen M, Mackay J, Schluger N, Drope J. Tobacco atlas 5th ed. 2015. Atlanta: American Cancer Society

Sesi 7. New paradigm on Health Promotion and the use of Technology for promoting health
Dosen Pengampu: Fatwa Sari Tetra Dewi
Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the leading cause of death in Indonesia and health trends related to chronic disease during the second half of the twentieth century.
  2. Contrast primary, secondary, and tertiary care.
  3. Compare mofifiable and immodifiable risk factors.
  4. Describe how the Affordable Care Act is working to improve healthy lifestyles.
  5. Analyze the use of new information technology for promoting health
  6. Identify multi media to promote health


  1. Snelling, A. ed., 2014. Introduction to Health Promotion, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
  2. World Health Organization, 2013. WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic: Country profile Indonesia,WHO
  3. Prabandari, YS. 2013 Penggalian riwayat dan nasihat tentang gaya hidup sehat oleh dokter pelayanan primer . Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional 8 (5): 221-228.

Sesi 8. Dimension of social culture on health, illness and gender perspective
Dosen Pengampu: Retna Siwi Padmawati
Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain community perception on health and illness
  2. Review on how to assess perception and its research related to explore health and illness
  3. Compare dialogue between epidemiology and  anthropology related to health and illness
  4. Analyze gender perspective in understanding health and culture
  5. Comprehend guideline for transdisciplinary interventions


  1. Brown, J.B., Inhon, Marcia.C., Smith, D.J., 1996. Disease, Ecology, and Human Behavior. In Sargent, C.F. & Johnson, T.M. eds., 1996. Medical Anthropology: Contemporary Theory and Method ( Revised Edition), Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publisher.
  2. Higginbotham, N., Willms,D.,Sewankambo,NK., 2001. TransdisciplinaryResearch in the Higginbotham, N., Albrecht, G. & Connor, L., 2001. Health Social Science: A transdisciplinary and Complexity Perspective, South Melbourne: Oxford University Press.p 175-200

Sesi 9. Social change and the shift of health organization, services and workforces
Dosen Pengampu: Mubasysyir Hasanbasri
Learning Objectives:

  1. Analyze decentralisation and its impact on health service provision in Indonesia
  2. Identify the movement of health organization and services
  3. Appraise the modern health services, corporations and financing
  4. Recognize overview of workforce projection models
  5. Assemble link between workforce plans and projections
  6. Contrast the determinants of workforce requirements and supply


  1. Kristiansen, S. & Santoso, P., 2006. Surviving decentralization? Impacts of regional autonomy on health service provision in Indonesia. Health Policy, 77(3), pp.247–259
  2. World Health Organization, 2010. Models and tools for health workforce planning and projections, Geneva: World Health Organization
  3. Mohseni, M. & Lindstrom, M., 2007. Social capital, trust in the health-care system and self-rated health: the role of access to health care in a population-based study. Social science & medicine, 64(7), pp.1373–1383.
  4. Light, D.W. 1989. Corporate Medicine for Profit, in Brown, P. ed., 1989. Perspectives in Medical Sociology, Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publising Company.p 294-307
  5. Dolenc, D.A., Douherty, C.J., 1989. DRGs: The Counterrevolution in Financing Health Care, Brown, P. ed., 1989. Perspectives in Medical Sociology, Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publising Company.p 308-325
  6. Rosenberg, C. 1989. The rise of Modern Hospital, in Brown, P. ed., 1989. Perspectives in Medical Sociology, Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publising Company.p 327- 340
  7. World Health Organization, 2001. Health Service: Well Choosen , Well Organized?. in  World Health Organization, 2001.The World Health Report 2000: Health System : Improving Perfomance, Geneva: World Health Organization.WHO
  8. Heywood, P., Harahap, N.P. & Aryani, S., 2011. Recent changes in human resources for health and health facilities at the district level in Indonesia: evidence from 3 districts in Java. Human resources for health, 9(1), p.5. Available at:
  9. Frenk, J. et al., 2010. Health professionals for a new century: Transforming education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world. The Lancet, 376(9756), pp.1923–1958.

Sesi 10. Society action and the application of ecological theory in particular public health issues: a case of Community empowerment and local policy application for tackling NCD
Dosen Pengampu: Fatwa Sari Tetra Dewi
Learning Objectives:

  1. Relate the concept of community empowerment in the health promotion program
  2. Appraise the concept of community empowerment in the health services and system
  3. Evaluate the practice of community empowerment with particular emphasize upon methodology, assessment, and the role of community organization in promoting health development
  4. Assess the current situation with respect to mommunity empowerment and the likely trends of its future development


  1. Laverack, G., 2009. Community Empowerment with Case Studies from the South-East Asia Region. Geneva: WHO
  2. Laverack, G. 2006. Improving Health Outcomes through Community Empowerment: A Review of the Literature. J Health Popul Nutr  Mar; 24(1):113-120
  3. Kahssay, H.M. & Oakley, P. eds., 1999. Community Involvement in Health Development: A Review of Concept and Practice, Malta: World Health Organization.

Sesi 11. Social behavior related to public health in particular issues – International and Global Health – case of communicable disease AIDS and TB, including stigma
Dosen Pengampu: Retna Siwi Padmawati
Learning Objectives:

  1. Review technical leadership and guidance to inform and develop strategies and policies to address global health issues.
  2. Manage development and usage data from proven scientific research findings to drive public health action.
  3. Identify the method to strengthen the ability of countries to achieve improved global health outcomes.
  4. Appraise leadership to develop and implement approaches to eradicate and eliminate disease.
  5. Debate the promotion of equal access and delivery of public health interventions.
  6. Assess global health impact through coordination, program integration, and partnerships.
  7. Assess programs monitoring and evaluating to measure health impact and ensure cost effectiveness.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012. CDC Global Health Strategy 2012-2015
  2. UN System Task Team, 2012. Health in the post-2015 UN development agenda. Thematic Think Piece. World We Want 2015 [online], (May), pp.1–17. Available at: Pieces/8_health.pdf

Sesi 12. Social behavior related to public health in particular issues (delivered on each department)
Dosen Pengampu: Diah Ayu Puspandari