Graduated as Doctor from Gadjah Mada University in 1987, Masters of Science in Health Economics, York University, UK in 1989, and finished his Ph.D. in Health Policy Unit, London School of Economics. He did postdoctoral research in Harvard University in 2001-2002 and became professor in 2006. He was named one of the best lecturers in Gadjah Mada University in 2013.
- Undergrad : Medical Doctor, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Master : Master of Science (MSc) in Health Economics, Department of Economic, University of York, UK
- Doctoral : D. Program in Health Policy Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, in a join-program with London School of Economics, University of London, UK
- Post – doctoral, Harvard Medical School, Department of Social Medicine, Boston, United States
- Praktek dokter di Indonesia masa kolonial dan reformasi: sebuah studi perbandingan mengenai kedudukan organisasi profesi dokter dalam sistem kesehatan negara (2023)
- Kajian reflektif pasca satu tahun penerapan sport science dalam kebiijakan desain besar olahraga nasional di sentral olahraga indonesia (2023)
- Impelmentasi Interprofessional Colaboration Practice dalam formulasi Integrated Care Pathway pada pelayanan rujukan maternal di kota Semarang (Participatory Action Research pad ibu hamil dengan kelainan jantung) (2019)
- Evaluasi pelaksanaan strategi SISTEGAR (sistem informasi tempat tidur ruangan rujukan rumah sakit) pada pelayanan rujukan maternal neonatal di kabupaten Bogor (2023)
- Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Project Focusing on Health System Strengthening in Indonesia, funded by Abt Associates (2016)
- Riset Implementasi Kebijakan JKN di Pelayanan Primer (2016)
- Implementation Research Activity for UHC, funded by Abt Associate (2016)
- Proposal for Indonesia Health System in Transition Final Revision, funded by WHO (2016)
- Quality Improvement Grant Program Physician Competence, funded by HPEQ UGM (2013)
- Jampersal Review, funded by UNFPA (2013)
10 Penelitian Terbaru
- Yuliyanti S, Utarini A, Trisnantoro L. A mixed-method analysis of provider adherence to integrated antenatal care guideline in BEmONC and Non BEmONC primary health center: An Indonesian case. Plos one. 2024 Aug 27;19(8):e0309454.
- Trisnantoro L, Utarini A, Meliala A, Mahendradhata Y, Lazuardi L, Laksanawati IS, Wartatmo H, Yoga H, Djasri H, Andayani NL, Handono D. Pengayaan Ilmu Kedokteran untuk Mengatasi Masalah Klinis dan Kesehatan Masyarakat: Pengalaman Universitas Gadjah Mada (1993–2023). UGM PRESS; 2024 Feb 20.
- Fanda RB, Probandari A, Yuniar Y, Hendarwan H, Trisnantoro L, Jongeneel N, Kok MO. The availability of essential medicines in primary health centres in Indonesia: achievements and challenges across the archipelago. The Lancet Regional Health-Southeast Asia. 2024 Jan 8.
- Penggalih MH, Trisnantoro L, Sofro ZM, Dewinta MC, Syarifah NA, Solichah KM. Athlete and coach’s perspectives on sports nutritionists’ role in enhancing sports performance in Indonesia Sports Training Centers. AcTion: Aceh Nutrition Journal. 2023 Sep 21;8(3):416-25.
- Penggalih ST, Hapsari M, Sofro ZM, Trisnantoro L, Susila EN, Rahadian B, Sujadi D, Isnanta R, Hardiyanti M, Bactiar N, Ghany A. STUDY OF SATISFACTION TOWARDS THE FOOD SERVICES IN THE PPLP AND SKO ATHLETE DORMITORIES IN INDONESIA. National Nutrition Journal/Media Gizi Indonesia. 2023 Sep 1;18(3).
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